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What is root canal treatment?

This is done when the tooth cannot be treated by a simple restorative procedure. This treatment will be performed by removing the infection from its root part, cleaning the root canal, placing a medicine inside root canal if needed and then completely filling the tooth

When root canal treatment is needed?

When you feel pain while lying down posture, pain while drinking hot/cold substances, pain on eating and if the pain persists for a long time then you might require a root canal treatment along with or without a presence of infection below the root apex of the tooth. The presence of swelling around the tooth near the gums might be due to chronic infection needs immediate attention. Discoloration of the tooth after trauma which has a loss of blood supply also needs to be root canal treated


Can it managed without getting treatment?

No, in such instance, treatment with over the counter medication cannot solve the underlying problem it might worsen the existing clinical condition


The teeth will undergo local anesthesia before the start of the procedure. You will be ensured the success of the anesthesia before we could start the treatment. Depending on the presence and intensity of the infection the procedure can be done either in single visit or multiple visits. The entire procedure will be hazel free and we assure best treatment at Sri Vinayaka Dental Clinic

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are prosthetic roots made of titanium that are used to replace one or more lost teeth, a full set of teeth, or a combination of teeth.

Advantage of implant over other tooth replacement procedures

When it gets attached to the bone conveniently it gives a natural appearance. More comfortable than dentures. Unlike bridges (fixed partial denture) there is no need to grind the healthy adjacent tooth. Implants last for a longer duration

When is the indication to place implant? Who are the candidates?

Presence of health gums with good bone density is the ideal candidates for implant. The medical history of the patient should be taken into consideration before placing the implant.


When to place crown?

In the teeth with decay, after root canal treatment, to enhance the strength to the tooth we place crown. Crowns can be placed on a single tooth and over the implant. In case of traumatic injuries to the upper front tooth where there is gross destruction of tooth, for aesthetic reasons placement of crowns are advisable after root canal treatment.

When to place bridge?

This is placed when there is missing tooth. For example, if a tooth is missing, we can grind the teeth next to it and place crowns so that the space left by the missing tooth will be replaced with a tooth.If necessary we might require root canal treatment for the teeth adjacent to missing tooth.

Types of crown

Stainless steel crown, metal crown, porcelain fused metal crown, all ceramic crowns are commercially available. Each of the crowns varies according to its property and cost wise.

What is denture?

Dentures can be removable or fixed appliance that are placed on the tooth when there is partial or complete missing of the tooth. Complete denture is advised when there is complete missing of all the teeth in arch. Whereas partial denture is advised when there are few missing teeth.


What is invisalign?

These are invisible aligners. These are clear aligners which make you smile without hesitation. They are made of flexible material which makes aligners to use it very conveniently.

For whom it is suitable for?

Children, teens and even adults can undergo this treatment.

Indication for invisalign

Mal aligned tooth, rotated, intruded, extruded teeth and spacing between the teeth are the candidates for invisible aligners

Duration of treatment

Compared to conventional braces the treatment duration is much lesser. Per day you need to wear approximately 20-22 hours.

Other advantages

It used 3D imaging technology to customize the aligners to each individual. This doesn’t use metal wire or brackets. The aligners need to be changed one-two weeks depending on each individual. You need to remove the aligners during eating and cleansing the teeth. Avoid drinking any liquid substance apart from water to maintain the aligners. This treatment will be provided at our clinic by experienced doctors.

Orthodontics Orthodontics

What are braces?

Braces are used to align the teeth. Any type of mal aligned tooth can be easily corrected. Using brackets and wire the alignment of the tooth will be made.

Types of braces

Metal and porcelain braces are available. Metal braces are stainless steel type whereas porcelain braces can be matched with the colour of the tooth

What is the duration of treatment?

The duration might vary depending on every individual. Mostly it might take one to two years.

What is the apt age for this treatment?

Treatment should start when we find the problem earlier the treatment better will be the results.

Orthodontics-Dental braces

What is it?

This is the posterior most teeth. Most of the time wisdom tooth might not erupt in the proper angulation causing pain and infection. It might also get partially erupted

What happens when not properly erupted?

In such instance it can lead to dental decay in the portion of the tooth that is exposed. It causes periodontal problem by affecting the gums. Pain and formation of cyst are likely to occur. Also can cause trouble to the adjacent tooth

Will it pain during the removal?

You will be given local anesthesia to make that particular area numb. We will make sure that you do not experience pain during the removal. We have expert team of doctors who are professionally trained to perform the treatment

What type of food can I consume after the removal of teeth?

You are advised to intake soft diet for at least a period of 48 hours and can gradually return to normal

Wishdom Tooth Extraction

What is a veneer?

Dental veneers are compact, tooth-colored coverings placed to the front teeth to enhance appearance and give patients a more attractive smile. Veneers are a minimally invasive treatment which requires a minimal removal of enamel in order for them to fit properly.

What is it made of?

Veneers can be made up of composite or porcelain. But the disadvantage of composite veneers includes staining of the tooth in the long run. Porcelain veneers has a longer survival

Which are conditions that require a veneer?

Spacing between the front teeth, chipped or broken front teeth, to change the shape and alignment of the teeth and in case of old defective restoration.

Veneer Veneer

What is scaling and root planing?

This technique makes sure the complete removal of bacterial plaque and resistant accumulation of calculus. This is a non-invasive method to remove the gum disease at a initial stage.

When surgery to gum is done?

In case of gingival recession, gum grafting and bone regeneration etc. gum surgery is advocated.

How is the success of gum treatment?

Sooner you treat the gum related disease better the success of treatment

What can be done to treat a gummy smile?

LASER can be used to reshape the tooth and cover the over exposure of gums. This procedure is painless and renders faster healing.

gum care treatment

How do you whiten your teeth?

Your teeth are bleached in order to whiten them during teeth whitening.

What are the ways to whiten the teeth?

We have two options when it comes to teeth whitening: in-office bleaching or at-home treatment. In office bleaching is done at the dental clinic by dental professionals whereas at home treatment is done at home under the guidance of the expert dental professional

Is it safe to do teeth whitening?

It is harmless and safe procedures and it is done by experienced dental professionals.

tooth whitening